Places To Eat Out When Trying To Eat Clean!


By:Joie Rizzo

Something alot of people struggle with when trying to make a lifestyle change or diet is eating out! It can be super difficult if you have a job where you are constantly on the run or having to do lunch or dinner meetings. Not all the time will you be able to stop and warm up a meal out of your container. Sometimes, its just nice to be able to go out to eat with your loved ones! There are SO many places that you can eat clean at there really should be no excuse. Even places like mcdonalds and chicfila have options now a days, you just have to know what to order.


So here are some places that I go out to eat and the clean options I order!



Chipotle is such a great option because its quick and easy and the food is healthy and yummy!

My Order:

I get a Bowl with chicken, brown rice, mild salsa, and lettuce. I usually will work the guac into my fats intake for the day and i’ll ask for it on the side and I use about half the amount they give me.


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Smoothie King:


Smoothie King is really great for a quick fix as well! I usualy will order a small lean 1 shake with chocolate protein, and bananas.


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First watch

First watch is one of my favorite places to eat a healthy breakfast! They actually make their stuff with good quality ingredients and probably one of the only places i’ve eaten that doesn’t drench my eggs in butter! Usually what I order here is the Triathlete egg white omelette with toast or sometimes if i’m feeling it ill order a banana granola crunch pancake instead and only eat half! They even have my favorite sugar free syrup by smuckers there!

Triathlete (with toast)- Macros- C: 30 F: 6 P-22

Triathlete (with pancake) – Macros C: 50 F:15 P:30



Really any steakhouse is great if your trying to eat clean! Just tell them you’re allergic to butter so they don’t drench everything in butter! I usually order a 6 oz steak from longhorn with rice and vegetables!


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YES. Even chicfila has healthy options. Now if you’re anything like me, you want to avoid the smells of those delicious waffle fries and fried chicken nuggets at all cost. But, sometimes if you’re on the run this may be your best option. If I stop at chicfila and i’m trying to eat clean I have actually been pleasently suprised with how good the Grilled chicken cool wrap is! Its macros are pretty perfect. Besides the sodium content being very high (anything that you would order when you go out to eat is) even the sugars are extremely low!


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Bonefish is one of my absolute favorite places to go enjoy a clean meal! I usually order the sea scallops and shrimp with jasmine rice and steamed asparagus! Again, I tell them i’m allergic to butter so that they won’t drench my food in it!



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So these are just a few of the MANY options out there that are available. Always keep in mind when eating out that the sodium content is MUCH higher then it would be if you were eating at home. So whenever eating out make sure you drink some extra water to help get rid of the extra sodium. If you ever are unsure of the macros in a meal when eating out, or the sugars in something download the app “my fitness pal”. It has so many restaraunts menus downloaded in there with the exact calorie information to help you reach your goals. No excuses people! If you want it bad enough it is very possible to hit your goals regardless of what your schedule consists of!


BY: Joie Rizzo

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